Elke Verbaarschot interviewed for Labels and Labeling in the young managers series.

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Elke Verbaarschot interviewed for Labels and Labeling in the young managers series.

Elke Verbaarschot, Association & Relation Manager at Lejeune and Marketing & Communication Manager for FINAT was interviewed in an edition of the young manager series by Jordan Hart, online editor within Labels and Labeling.

Click on the image to watch the interview on YouTube. If you prefer reading, you can find an edited transcript of this interview below the picture.

interview ELF Elke Verbaarschot label and labeling

Online interview: Elke verbaarschot (l) & Jordan Hart (r) 


Jordan: ‘So, Elke can you introduce yourself?’

Elke: ‘I have worked for FINAT since 2008 and I am the marketing and communication manager for the FINAT association.’ 

Jordan: ‘How did you get into labels?’

Elke: ‘I was first introduced to FINAT when I started working for Lejeune Association Management.  Back in 2008, I was amazed by how big the industry was behind the label we as consumers are familiar with. When you walk into the supermarket and you see all these labels, you're not really aware of the large organization behind it, so that was very amazing to me.’

Rebranding YMC into YPN

Jordan: ‘You mentioned that your role is a marketing manager with FINAT so talk about what you do for them and what your role is?’

Elke: ‘When I started at FINAT the Young Managers Club (YMC) was just introduced. I rolled into FINAT supporting in organizing the events together with my colleagues. In 2019 I helped in the rebranding project of YMC into Young Professionals Network (YPN), including the new strategy and logo. I’m always happy to support FINAT into kind of shaping the future of the label industry.’


Jordan: ’So before we get back into the Young Professionals Network and what they're up to, you guys just did the ELF event. So I would love to talk about how that went and what were some of the differences and maybe challenges of doing this virtually?’

Elke: ‘Of course we were happy that we could finally organize the event even though it was online. We could see that people were very happy to connect again. I think the programme committee did a very good job in creating a nice programme for each day. We have got some very positive feedback. It was a very positive experience, but of course, we all just want to see each other again in real life. Therefore we tried to do some of the networking online but it will never be the same as when you meet up at an actual event in real life.

I think we'll have to figure out how to do a hybrid format in the future. A format where we can offer the live content also online. Hopefully, we will be able to welcome everyone soon in real life again for the real networking.’

Jordan: ‘I liked how you guys did your virtual event. Specially where you kind of simulated as if you were walking into a theatre and there was someone that opened a door for you and it felt a little closer to getting back to doing this someday so that was really cool.’

Elke: ’Thank you, we too really like this virtual platform. It was kind of trying to get close to the real experience.


Jordan: ‘So one day of the ELF event was dedicated to the future workforce and the upcoming generation which I know Michaela Harding, President of the YPN was very involved. So, first of all, they did a great job, I loved that session, very interesting! I want to talk a little bit more about your involvement in YPN and what you guys are up to recently?’

Elke: ‘We just started publishing the bi-monthly newsletter for all members and everyone in the FINAT community who is a young professional can join the YPN free of charge. We cannot share our thoughts at the open-minded events that we normally have with this group. So we started publishing this YPN thoughts newsletter so to say with what we think about ongoing topics like sustainability. For the last one, we had a guest author: Alastair Banks on Personal Branding. We offered a video course to our members. We try to help young professionals with their own personal development and also give them a platform where they can meet up with like-minded people.

Jordan: ‘When did you guys start the newsletters, that's fairly recent then right?’

Elke: ‘Yes we now published two newsletters, we started in March. Very new, very exciting so looking forward to the next one.

Collaboration and connecting

Jordan: ‘Very exciting! So back to focusing on you a little bit what is your favourite part of the industry?’

Elke: ‘Well what I really love about this industry is the people. It feels like we're all one big family when we are at these events. Although of course there is competition, there is enough room for everyone for collaboration and connecting together in an association like FINAT. That's what I really like about it. But also seeing all these developments and learning more about what is behind these labels that we see every day but that we are not necessarily aware of.

Jordan: ‘The community is definitely something I think you need to look for a little bit. But when you find it you see there are so many organizations with YPN and different US associations. There is a niche for you to make some friends in the industry if you go looking for it.’

Elke: ‘Yeah, exactly.’


Jordan: ‘So, just a personal question towards you because I was perusing your LinkedIn before our interview how many languages do you speak?’

Elke: ‘I have to be honest I learned a lot of languages when I was younger but now I almost only use English. So sure I can speak English and Dutch and I know how to order my food in French and Spanish on holiday. But more than that I don't really feel comfortable speaking other languages. For example in German I can understand almost everything, but when I have to speak German I really need to think about my answer. It's easier for me to just stick to English.

Get to know FINAT

Jordan: ‘Well I’m still very impressed needless to say I can't order my food in any other language so well. Is there anything else that's new and exciting that you feel the people of our YouTube community should know?’

Elke: ’I would say if you don't know FINAT- but I think everyone knows FINAT- you should get to know the association because we are constantly actively trying to serve the whole community. Now we are learning from this whole online experience trying to incorporate it in the already existing products that we have or services that we offer. So yes, check it out, I would absolutely say!’

Jordan: ’Thank you so much for sitting down with me today. How can people reach out to you if they have any questions?’

Elke: ‘They can always visit our website www.finat.com or they can send an e-mail to info@FINAT.com. I also have access to this mailbox.

Jordan: ‘Awesome, we look forward to seeing you at an event in person and thank you for sitting down with me today.’

Elke: ’Thank you very much as well.’


 Want to know more about Labels & labeling check their website: www.labelsandlabeling.com

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