
Verenigingsmanagement jaren ’80: er kwam een eind aan de geschiedenis

Posted on: Na de turbulente jaren ’70 zette het groeiende bewustzijn over de internationale context van gebeurtenissen zich door in de jaren ’80. Following the turbulent 1970s, awareness of the international context of events continued to grow in the 1980s. The European Community had already expanded in 1973 with three new member states (the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark), and in 1981, Greece joined, followed by Spain and Portugal in 1986, raising the total membership to 12.

Association Management part 4. The 1970s: Limits to Growth

Posted on: Following the prosperity of the 1960s, the 1970s saw a growing awareness about limitations. In 1972, the Club of Rome published its report, Limits to Growth, warning that if humanity continued on its current path, we would exhaust the planet within a century

Association Management Part 2 – The 1960s: The Boom Period

Posted on: Increasing European Orientation - In the previous blog, I discussed post-war reconstruction. After the destruction and trauma experienced during World War II, it was necessary to rebuild national societies from the ground up and revive the institutions and structures that had been halted by the occupiers. In the 1960s, the focus shifted towards European cooperation.

Association Management in times of turbulent change- The 1940s-50s

Posted on: Welcome to the blog celebrating the 60th anniversary of Lejeune. In the lead-up to the anniversary conference on Thursday, October 31, we will present a series of blog posts over the coming months, highlighting the six decades of Lejeune Association Management.

The association: silent force of collective progress

Posted on: New Year's Blog by Jules Lejeune. The year 2024 is in full swing. The water is raining down on us from all sides. From above thanks to the wettest autumn in ages, from the front via Gerrit and Henk, from behind via Rhine and Meuse and their branches in our Delta, from below through the rising groundwater and flooded cellars.

Sustainability in business: Collaborating for a resilient future in times of climate change and regulatory pressure

Posted on: With the year-end approaching, this is an opportune moment for Luc Lejeune to reflect on a year filled with global challenges posed by climate change. Rising temperatures and sea level increases compel the world to take action, and laws and regulations exert growing pressure on businesses.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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