
The Year of Truth

Posted on: The year that started with high expectations, at the beginning of a promising decade, ends with another lockdown. 2020 did not come out of the twilight, its sound silenced behind the mouthpiece. Was it really real? Or was it just imagination?

2020: the year that itself took a Sabbatical

Posted on: Summer 2020. The first semester of the new decade is over. And what a semester! 'The Virus' grabbed us by the throat at the beginning of this year, both literally and figuratively, and hasn't let go since then. We pant collectively.....

Association professionals – a critical species in the corona crisis

Posted on:

Christmas Blog Jules Lejeune: old versus new

Posted on: Just a few days to go and we will raise our glasses to celebrate a successful end of 2019 and welcome a new year full of opportunities and challenges.

50 Golden Years. Memories from 5 decades of FINAT – Lejeune partnership

Posted on: This summer, during 2019, it is exactly 50 years since the infant association FINAT contracted ‘Bureau Le Jeune’, as it was then called, as its permanent office.

‘Wishing you a lot of staff’

Posted on: ‘Say goodbye to HR headaches for good’ is the number one reason for associations to hire an association management company rather than setting up their own office. The American Association Management Company institute (AMCI) has researched this topic. A survey among clients of association management companies resulted in this number 1 and 9 other insights mentioned in the top 10 below.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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