
European adhesive tape industry 62nd annual conference launched in Lisbon, 9-11 October 2019

Posted on: The Hague, The Netherlands, 30 August 2019 Afera, the European Adhesive Tape Association, announced the launch of its 62nd Annual Conference, the premier yearly event for the European tape business, taking place in 6 weeks at the Pestana Palace Hotel. Along with key topics on the management agendas of all future-focussed Afera member companies, “the war for talent” and the next-generation workforce will be of particular focus at the Lisbon event.

50 Golden Years. Memories from 5 decades of FINAT – Lejeune partnership

Posted on: This summer, during 2019, it is exactly 50 years since the infant association FINAT contracted ‘Bureau Le Jeune’, as it was then called, as its permanent office.

‘Wishing you a lot of staff’

Posted on: ‘Say goodbye to HR headaches for good’ is the number one reason for associations to hire an association management company rather than setting up their own office. The American Association Management Company institute (AMCI) has researched this topic. A survey among clients of association management companies resulted in this number 1 and 9 other insights mentioned in the top 10 below.

Secretary of Foundation PayChecked in Transport, now located in The Hague

Posted on: PayChecked in transport manages the certification of the equally named certification that was introduced in 2016 in response to the introduction of the ‘Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies’ (WAS). The law to prohibit false personnel and payment constructions.

Specific projects defined to develop Industry standards at ECMA Pharma Forum

Posted on: The ECMA Pharma Forum is a special interest platform within ECMA for dedicated producers of pharmaceutical cartons. In the past, the forum has developed an industry standard for braille, which has turned into an industry wide accepted standard.

The 3D Printing Association terminates operations for maturing additive manufacturing industry in Europe

Posted on: Due to several developments, 3DPA has decided to close down its operation as of 1 February 2019. 3DPA Managing director Jules Lejeune, announces this in a press release.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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