
Reflecting is looking forward

Posted on: This year, too, the last weeks are placed in the context of looking back. Customers and contractors, employers and employees, teachers and pupils, parents and offspring, in business and personal relations this is the time of year when we take stock, evaluate achieved results and set goals for the coming year.

A Conference, a source of information for today’s European businesses

Posted on: Before we can actually fly to the Afera annual conference in Athens a year of preparation has gone by. Together with a great team of industry colleagues and the team of Afera’s Secretariat at Lejeune Association Management we are responsible for the location, surveys, keynote speakers, official programme, social programme, invitations, registrations and PR & communications. By bundling our knowledge, experience and creative skills we are able to prepare an annual conference of this size and importance for the European adhesive tape industry.

FINAT’s international competition ‘LABELicious’ launches in October 2018

Posted on: Celebrating their upcoming 60th anniversary, international label association FINAT launches its ‘LABELicious’ competition to attract young, creative and enthusiastic industry talent.

Lejeune Association Management achieves ISO 9001:2015 certification

Posted on: The Hague, August 2018 – This past summer Lejeune Association Management achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification. The Lejeune quality system was tested by Certiked, part of Lloyd’s Register Nederland B.V. Certiked assesses, on the basis of the ‘Certiked Model’, the translation of the ISO 9001 standard for knowledge-intensive service companies. Through the assessment, Lejeune has successfully completed the transition from the former ISO 9001: 2008 standard to the new ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

Once upon a time, there was …. a Story

Posted on: Once upon a time, a long time ago, I did what young fathers do: tell my children a bedtime story. I had the habit of lying down on the floor, next to the bed and my children and I would search the bedroom for an object that would be the subject of that evening’s story.

FINAT Label Forum June 2018 ‘European label market data’

Posted on: At the European Label Forum, several keynote speakers inspired and challenged the 250-strong audience – founders and managers of converting companies, and their suppliers across the board – on developing ways to harness the skills and allegiance of tomorrow’s label industry leaders to drive the efficacy of a key feature of modern life – packaging print.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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