
FINAT 65 years

Posted on: FINAT Labels celebrated its 65th anniversary, one week earlier we at Lejeune entered our own 60th birth year. During more than half a century of joint history since 1970, various generations of the Lejeune staff have built up fond memories of the activities of Europe’s leading network for the label community. On behalf of the entire staff of Lejeune, we congratulate FINAT on its 65th anniversary. Here’s to many more years to come!

Meet our new Sustainability Project Manager, Karla Pastor

Posted on: In September, we welcomed Karla Pastor to the Lejeune team as our new Sustainability Project Manager. Karla, a warm welcome to Lejeune, and we eagerly anticipate a fruitful collaboration

RadTech Europe - Successful sustainable innovation project

Posted on: RadTech Europe, the industrial association for the promotion of UV/EB Technology (industrial drying technologies) has initiated a project to help members respond to sustainable developments in the industry.

CSRD Webinar sustainable reporting

Posted on: During an interactive webinar on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) held on July 5th, specifically organized for Dutch associations that are clients of Lejeune Association Management, the key aspects of CSRD and its implications for businesses were thoroughly discussed.

Lejeune Association Management welcomes the secretariat of StiMo

Posted on: As of July 1, 2023, the Foundation Material Organizations (StiMo) has relocated its secretariat to Lejeune Association Management in The Hague.

‘Just Seperate it' waste campagne

Posted on: ‘Just Seperate it’: Do not throw away electrical devices, batteries, and accumulators with regular waste, but deliver them separately.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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