A Conference, a source of information for today’s European businesses

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A Conference, a source of information for today’s European businesses

Before we can actually fly to the Afera annual conference in Athens a year of preparation has gone by. Together with a great team of industry colleagues and the team of Afera’s Secretariat at Lejeune Association Management we are responsible for the location, surveys, keynote speakers, official programme, social programme, invitations, registrations and PR & communications. By bundling our knowledge, experience and creative skills we are able to prepare an annual conference of this size and importance for the European adhesive tape industry.

125 delegates will join the Annual Conference

This year the European adhesive tape association’s annual conference is organised in Athens. Over 125 delegates will join the conference, from businesses along the entire adhesive tape value chain: tape manufacturers, suppliers (raw materials, machine and packaging), converters, distributors, research institutions, national tape organisations, and other international counterparts.

Essential source of information

The conference has become an important networking event and essential source of information for today’s European tape businesses and professionals. Topics driving the tape industry, such as innovation models and practices, digital transformation, tape market data and trends, the European economy, regulatory affairs for adhesive tapes, and some of the latest technologies will be explored.

11 presentations focussed on innovation and digitisation

Melanie Lack, business manager of tapes and labels at H.B. Fuller and Afera Steering Committee member and Bert van Loon, marketing innovation expert and independent strategist, will moderate this conference. Next, to 3 lively discussion panels, a working programme is formulated featuring 11 presentations over 2 days focussed on innovation and digitisation:

  1. Global market update, including data and trends
  2. The future of acrylic foam tape in automotive
  3. 3M’s collaborative innovation model
  4. The European economy: things look good at present, but will this last?
  5. Regulatory affairs update for tapes
  6. Immigration as the ultimate virtual reality for innovation
  7. The journey of digital transformation
  8. The technical side of the internet of things (IoT): how smart products transform, brand relationships, business operations and service experiences
  9. Structural bonding films: the powerful alternative to conventional bonding solutions
  10. Technology update: major global trends from Afera’s Global Adhesive Tape Summit
  11. The European Adhesive Tape Association’s strategy and forward focus 2019-2025

I’m looking forward meeting all attendees at our 61st annual conference next week in Athens.

Astrid Lejeune,

Secretary General Afera

Association Management Advisor at Lejeune.

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