2017: Europe’s Second Youth: In Search of ‘Identity’

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“Change is the only constant” — a popular saying that has become one of the clichés of our time. The year 2017 is no exception.
A year ago, I dedicated the year 2016 to Carlos Santana’s classic ‘EUROPA, Earth’s Cry, Heaven’s Smile’, as a metaphor for Europe in crisis (see http://bit.ly/2oY4Tzo ).

Our continent was at an all-time low after the succession of credit crunch, euro crisis, Arab Spring, authoritarian regimes at our eastern and south-eastern borders, the refugee crisis, terrorism, the British referendum, Brexit, the unexpected results of the American elections, and the ‘America First’ strategy of its President-elect.

With a dark scenario like that there is no need for sunglasses. With elections on the way in several countries, some people who adhere to this world view looked forward to a ‘Populist Spring’: a Europe divided by national borders and complete national autonomy. Would our continent once again fall apart, and would our ideal of sustainable peace and shared welfare be in jeopardy?

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