Anniversary: Jules Lejeune honored during the Sector Assocaition Day

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Branchedag 30 maart 2023 van duurzaam denken naar DOEN
Branchedag 30 maart 2023 van duurzaam denken naar DOEN
Branchedag 30 maart 2023 van duurzaam denken naar DOEN

"Jules, you work 60 hours a week for our family company. What most people here don't know is that you're already working at the kitchen table before dawn. During my college days, I would sometimes come home early in the morning, and you would already be at work. The question is, when is it time to sleep?

Over the past few years, we've celebrated several anniversaries. We always take the time to acknowledge them for our employees, both offline and online, but that hasn't been the case for you.

In the month of April, it will be 33 years since you started at Lejeune, in your family's company, alongside your father. We couldn't celebrate your 30th anniversary because, as we all know, there were limited possibilities during the pandemic.

The Sector Association Day 2023 is the perfect moment to shine the spotlight on you, along with the people you've worked so hard with and for over the past 33 years. That's why we find this gift, a watch in 'Lejeune purple,' very fitting.

I am incredibly proud to have the opportunity to work with you in the family business and hope we can continue to do so for many years to come."

On behalf of all colleagues,

Luc Lejeune

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