Kartoflex Health & Safety Trophy 2025 Awarded to Ranpak B.V.

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Industry praises the remarkable achievement of Ranpak B.V. in Eygelshoven

The Kartoflex Health & Safety Trophy 2025 has been awarded to Ranpak B.V. in Eygelshoven. According to the jury, Ranpak has achieved an outstanding performance through its integrated approach to safety and serves as a shining example for the industry.

Amcor Flexibles B.V. from Zutphen, Graphic Packaging International Europe B.V. from Hoogerheide, and Thermologistics Operations B.V. from Alphen aan den Rijn were also nominated. All four companies maintain a high level of safety and are each deserving of high praise. As such, the jury found it particularly difficult to choose a winner among four strong candidates. Nonetheless, the jury made its decision and awarded the Kartoflex Health & Safety Trophy to Ranpak. The other three nominees tied for second place and were honoured with a highly commendable mention and certificate.

Kartoflex, the trade association for manufacturers of cardboard and flexible packaging, presented the Kartoflex Health & Safety Trophy for the eighth time during the Spring General Assembly held on 12 March in Nijkerk. The trophy—now a highly coveted award—is presented to companies that have achieved a high level of safety and a demonstrable improvement or cultural shift concerning sector-specific safety risks.

Ranpak B.V. sets the standard for the industry

Ranpak B.V., a paper processor, recently relocated to a brand-new facility. The company has its own HSE department with ample safety expertise, and Ranpak's corporate team is regularly consulted for input on specific issues. Ranpak’s selection as the winner of the Kartoflex Health & Safety Trophy is primarily based on the excellent source-level safety measures implemented during the set-up of its new premises. Relocating is costly, but investing in additional safety measures during this process is highly commendable.

Bauke van der Molen Kuipers (left), Chair of Royal Kartoflex, and on the right, award winner Chrit Penders (right), HSE Officer at Ranpak B.V.

Good Housekeeping & S5

The company has introduced effective protection measures for forklift operations, including limiting their speed to 6 km/h. The 'soundbox' used to enclose noisy envelope machines is highly innovative. By fully enclosing the source of the noise, other employees are no longer exposed to excessive sound levels. Good housekeeping and the 5S methodology are well implemented across the site—for example, with designated parking spaces for forklifts at each machine. The facility is clean, spacious and logically arranged. Safety Officer Chrit Penders is deeply involved in health and safety—both within the company and through his active knowledge-sharing efforts on the Kartoflex Health & Safety Platform. Ranpak and its Safety Officer are true frontrunners, serving as an example for the entire sector.

From left to right: Bauke van der Molen Kuipers, Chair of Royal Kartoflex; award winner Chrit Penders, HSE Officer at Ranpak B.V.; John van de Laar, HSE Officer at Graphic Packaging International Europe Cartons B.V.; Luuk Engel, QSHE Manager at Amcor Flexibles Zutphen B.V.; and Thijs Roebers, QSHE Manager at Thermologistics Operations B.V.

About Koninklijke Kartoflex

Kartoflex is the employers’ association for Dutch manufacturers of cardboard and flexible packaging. The association represents its members on a wide range of issues, including collective labour agreements, occupational health and safety, pensions, training, the environment, sustainability and food safety. As a proactive trade association, Kartoflex has long represented the industry in discussions with government bodies, trade unions and other stakeholders. Kartoflex also negotiates employment conditions within the Cardboard and Flexible Packaging industry.

More information about Koninklijke Kartoflex: www.kartoflex.nl

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