Lejeune Association Management welcomes the secretariat of StiMo

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As of July 1, 2023, the Foundation Material Organizations (StiMo) has relocated its secretariat to Lejeune Association Management in The Hague.

StiMo secretariaat bij Lejeune

Since 2014, StiMo has been involved in promoting and highlighting the circularity of packaging materials. StiMo represents five leading material organizations: Foundation for Sustainable Packaging Glass; NRK Packaging (plastic packaging), Foundation Paper Recycling Netherlands (PRN); Foundation Circular Wood; and Metal Packaging Netherlands. Together, these affiliated material organizations form a fundamental link in the evolution towards the circular economy and serve as a point of contact for the Packaging Waste Fund and in the discussion about the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the Netherlands.

Chairman Rob Verhagen (OPACKGROUP), also chairman of NRK Packaging, states: "The playing field surrounding the transition to circularity and EPR is constantly changing and has accelerated in recent years due to the Green Deal. Each of the five sectors affiliated with us has its own strengths, weaknesses, and challenges, but by pooling knowledge and experience from different material streams, we are stronger together in the discussion on shared, sector-transcending themes. Due to recent changes in the overarching consultation structure, we have re-evaluated our policy. In Lejeune, we have found a partner with a long track record in the field of packaging, circularity, and recycling. At the same time, we owe thanks to our previous secretariat partner Wissenraet Van Spaendonck for their support and expertise over the past 9 years."

Within the new secretariat, Luc Lejeune will serve as secretary and the point of contact for StiMo. The support is provided by Brenda van der Burg.

For information:

Rob Verhagen: rob.verhagen@opackgroup.com

Luc Lejeune: luclejeune@materiaalorganisaties.nl

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