Meet our new colleague: Thara van Giezen

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Meet our new colleague: Thara van Giezen

Our team is growing alongside our client portfolio! In April, we welcomed Thara van Giezen to our team. Thara brings a wealth of experience and is a valuable addition to our team of management assistants. We look forward to the fresh insights and expertise she brings.

Welcome to Lejeune, Thara!

“I live in Leiden, and if I may say so myself, it is the most beautiful city in the Netherlands. I studied office management at Schoevers in Utrecht. For the past six and a half years, I worked at the Jopen Brewery in Haarlem, where I immersed myself in the commercial sector of the beer industry.

Driven by a desire to be of social significance alongside the commercial aspect, I am excited to begin a new chapter at Lejeune Association Management. I will be supporting my colleagues with the industry associations FNOI, MRF, and VHT. All three are recycling associations, which was my reason for taking the job. This role offers me a wonderful opportunity to apply my experience in a meaningful way, working on sustainability and recycling.”

“I look forward to working with my new colleagues for these industry organizations.”

Our office management team: Valerie Meijer, Thara van Giezen, Angela Ashruf, Hélène Hahn-van 't Hoff, Stephanie Feith en Brenda van der Burg

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