New structure for IGC Global Promotions takes shape

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New structure for IGC Global Promotions takes shape

At their General Members Assembly 2017 held in Hong Kong last week, the members of IGC Global Promotions have adopted a number of structural changes in their organisation. The global alliance of distributors of promotional items, with 52 partners covering 46 countries, has established a new legal entity in the form of IGC International.
As a co-operative association, the existing organization IGC Global Promotions (founded in 1956) will continue to focus on typical member-to-member activities like knowledge sharing and learning, (content) marketing and promotion as well as community development and networking.

As already announced in April (see, IGC International (of which IGC Global Promotions will be the majority shareholder) will become the central point of contact for multinational customers looking to source promotional products worldwide, using the IGC member network.

At the GMA in Hong Kong, members of IGC Global Promotions elected a new Supervisory Board consisting of Jay Nathanson (Target Marketing, USA, Chairman), Benson Leigh (Servicios Y Promociones Ilimitadas S.A.C., Peru), Samuel Ling (Hiromori International, Hong Kong), Michelle Johnson (A.S.A. Marketing Group, Ireland) and Alex Roethlisberger (Polydono AG, Switzerland). To manage the daily affairs of the association, Lejeune Association Management from The Hague (The Netherlands) was introduced at the meeting. Astrid Lejeune will be managing the association with her team Mark Macaré , Floor Hoenderop and Selma Ugur. The new office will operate in close contact with the Supervisory Board, and will serve as liaison between IGC Global Promotions and the office of IGC International in Rotterdam.

“IGC Global Promotions and IGC International: two sides of the same coin”

Newly elected Chairman Jay Nathanson (Target Marketing, VA, USA) comments: “IGC Global Promotions and IGC International are two sides of the same coin. The IGC Global Promotions network is built on a strong foundation of mutual trust and global partnership. The past few years, servicing global customers has taken on a more important role in our operations. By separating the member services side and the business side, we are aiming to create a sustainable business model that combines the strengths of the mutual learning, collaboration and member-to-member networking on the one hand, with the leverage of our global network towards customers in need of worldwide service on the other.”

For more information, please contact:
Astrid Lejeune
Tel +31 (0)70 318 00 31

New address:
IGC Global Promotions
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-G
NL 2593 BM The Hague

PO Box 85612
NL 2508 CH The Hague
The Netherlands

From left to right: Alex Roethlisberger (Poydono AG), Jules Lejeune (Managing Director Lejeune Association Management), Jay Nathanson (Target Marketing), Astrid Lejeune (IGC Global Promotions Manager), Michelle Johnson (A.S.A. Marketing), Benson Leigh (Servicios Y Promociones Ilimitadas S.A.C.), Samuel Ling (Hiromori International)

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