Today we celebrate our 55th anniversary

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Today we celebrate our 55th anniversary

On November 1st 1964, Mans Lejeune founded 'Bureau Le Jeune'. It started as a one-man company with a secretary and lobby function for a small number of European associations. Soon the company grew into a full-service secretarial services office for national and European associations. Under the name 'Lejeune Association Management', we have continued to operate ‘at the heart of associations’. With a small, experienced team of employees and partners, our company embodies the family culture of loyalty, commitment and flexibility that is so typical of small and medium-sized enterprises and the associations that represent them.

We look forward continue developing and growing association communities in the years to come!

On behalf of the Lejeune team

Jules Lejeune

For our anniversary we created a special Newsletter: Lejeune Inside. Click here to read it.

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