Trade Associations & industry analysts: the “celebrities” of B2B Influencer Relations

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Trade Associations & industry analysts: the “celebrities” of B2B Influencer Relations

Associations as vehicle for influencer marketing. A few months ago, our MD Jules Lejeune was invited by Greg Farrett of PR agency EMG (and former Board member of one of our client associations) to address their staff about the role of associations in communication. Here’s the blog that Greg wrote about this.

Influencer Marketing is taking off. The concept of using influencers to seed the right message is relatively easy to grasp in consumer industries such as fashion and beauty. Here we’re regularly confronted with influencers either directly or indirectly helping to enhance a reputation. Take those celebrity gossip articles featuring recommendations for where to purchase a replica of THAT dress or THOSE shoes. Well over 60% of professional marketers in this sector possess a good influencer relationship plan in their marketing strategies. But what about in our complex world of B2B?

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