Professionalization through certification in the recycling industry

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Professionalization through certification in the recycling industry

For many years, Lejeune has been providing management support and secretarial services to various sector organisations in the recycling industry, including the Federation of the Dutch Wastepaper Industry FNOI, the Metal Recycling Federation MRF, the Association for Textile Recycling VHT and the Federation for Secondary Raw Materials FHG. (in Dutch) 

FNOI: Federatie Nederlandse Oudpapier Industrie
MRF: Metaal Recycling Federatie
VHT: Vereniging Herwinning Textiel
FHG: Vereniging Herwinning Grondstoffen

For FNOI one of the objectives is to further professionalise the sector. A professional industry leads to a healthy industry!

 Lejeune contributes to this by supporting and co-developing certification programmes. This has resulted in two certificates especially for FNOI: Wastepaper & Board (OPK) and Certification of Archive and Data Destruction (CA+).

(In Dutch: Oudpapier & Karton (OPK) en Certificering Archiefvernietiging (CA+)

Recognition regulation OPK

The OPK Accreditation is a practical and industry-specific certification programma that guarantees a qualified process for the environment, safety and working conditions. Companies with this certificate clearly distinguish themselves from non-certified competitors in terms of professionalism and reliability. OPK certified companies are assessed annually by an independent certifying organisation. This regular external assessment guarantees the value of the certificate.

Certification CA+

The CA+ certification has been specially developed for companies operating in the area of destruction of confidential archives, data and products. Companies that can prove that they use a closed and safe destruction process from collection, transport, storage to destruction, are eligible for the CA+ certificate.

The CA+ certification provides for objective standards and procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the destruction of the material and the security of the procedures. CA+ certified companies are assessed annually by an independent certification institute. This regular external review guarantees the value of the certificate.

Updated every 3 years

Certification programmes are updated every three years. The OPK certification was updated in June 2017. On June 21th 2018, the Archive, Data and Product Destruction (CA+) Certification 2018 was implemented. The content of the certificate has been changed on a number of points. For example, the privacy legislation (GDPR) has been firmly anchored in the certificate. With the qualitative and substantive update, CA+ is a future-proof certificate that continues to guarantee an adequate, efficient and closed destruction process.

FNOI serious partner

Both certificates contribute to the fact that the FNOI is a serious partner for international business, local and national government agencies.

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ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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