

Posted on: Every year Lejeune’s Finat team publishes a yearbook. This year a special edition: 60 years celebration Jules Lejeune, MD of Lejeune Association an MD of FINAT writes in a blog on the Finat website: ‘it seems only like last year that we celebrated our Golden Jubilee in the city of our birth, Paris, back in 2008, when FINAT’s commemorative 50th anniversary book ‘United in Labels’ was published.

Afera hits 5,000 Twitter followers, expands adhesive tape market through product designers and mechanical engineers

Posted on: Afera, the European Adhesive Tape Association, announced today that its Design that sticks: scanning the web for next product design

Afera Marketing focus for 2019-2020

Posted on: Afera’s Marketing Committee (MKC) is composed of marketing and industry specialists with the mission to grow the tape market for all companies in the European adhesive tape value chain, including commodity and specialty tape manufacturers. What’s new I would like to consider 2019 as a new start: new values and new ways of doing things within the Association. As we laid out in our Steering Committee strategy session this year, we should challenge ourselves to raise the bar for ambition, quality and excellence. In addition to a sharper vision and mission, we have identified activities that contribute to our overarching objective: making the tape business future-proof.

Professionalization through certification in the recycling industry

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ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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