
Annual FINAT conference: a big success

Posted on: Lejeune Association Management organises the annual conference for FINAT, the international association for the self-adhesive label industry. The event attracts around 250 delegates and is organised by Lejeune from A-Z. Next to the full administration and communications process, Lejeune also provides useful input on a strategic level and for the content of the programme.

Afera’s content marketing project creates awareness

Posted on: With the goal of growing the market for tapes by appealing to product designers and mechanical engineers who are not yet aware of the use of tape as a bonding solution, Afera, under management of Lejeune, began exploring the possibilities, opportunities and necessity of developing its online presence in 2012.

Optimisation of online communication streams

Posted on: With all the online traffic it is vital that organisations make sure they are heard on this communication channel. End-users eagerly looking for answers to their questions are often unsuccessful in finding the scarce information on various industries online. Lejeune helps its trade associations to optimise their online communication media.

Online community offers virtual extension of label association FINAT

Posted on: An association would like its members to reap as much benefit from their membership as possible. In practice, often only the primary and secondary contacts in member companies are aware of the advantages offered by the Association, while in the case of FINAT, the entire member company can benefit.

ISO 9001

Lejeune is ISO 9001:2015 certified by EIK certification, a certifier for knowledge-intensive services.

ISO 9001

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