RadTech Europe - Successful sustainable innovation project: UV LED Webinar series Sustainable innovation project

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RadTech Europe, the industrial association for the promotion of UV/EB Technology (industrial drying technologies) has initiated a project to help members respond to sustainable developments in the industry. With the support of Lejeune, seven webinars were organised during the period April - June this spring under the banner "RadTech Europe UV LED Webinar Series" .

Project objective

The main objective of this project was to inform a wider audience about the advantages of UV LED technology, with a special focus on sustainability and energy efficiency. The webinars provided valuable insights on the use of UV LED technology for different products and processes, allowing users to make more conscious choices.

Webinar series

The seven webinars (each 30 minutes long) highlighted different aspects, ranging from the basic principles and chemistry behind LED to the potential of this technology for energy saving and sustainability. Successively, the following topics were covered.

- Introduction of the UV-LED Series. Angelique Runacre of Fujifilm and Paul Kelly of LuxsitUV gave an overview of the UV-LED series and discussed the technology

- Fundamentals of LED. Rob Karsten of Phoseon Te

chnology and Holly Steedman of IST INTECH explained the fundamentals of LED curing technology. They covered the different components of the system and how they are combined.

- Chemistry and materials behind LED. Jacques Lalevee from the University of Haute Alsace discussed the chemistry behind LED technology and developments in photopolymerisation.

- Energy benefits. It was learned how UV LED curing systems can help reduce energy consumption, lower carbon footprint and limit rising energy costs.

- Regulations regarding UV curing equipment. There was an in-depth look at the regulations surrounding UV curing equipment and their impact on the industry.

- Dealing with the challenges of LED. Experiences of LED users were shared and there was discussion on the challenges and opportunities of LED technology.

- The future of LED. A panel of experts discussed the opportunities and challenges presented by LED technology in the future.

The webinars were open to all and provided opportunities for interaction and questions. Moreover, all webinars were recorded and available for those who could not attend live.

Communication & organisation

A special working group took care of content preparation with a wide range of experts as speakers, including leading industry professionals and academics. On behalf of RadTech Europe, these webinars were coordinated and hosted by Lejeune, who were also responsible for promotion and communication around the webinars.

Evaluation & results

The series of webinars attracted great interest, which exceeded expectations. the series contributed to increasing awareness and understanding around sustainable curing technologies in the industry. The project also led to greater engagement of RadTech Europe association members with their target audience and attracted new prospects.

For more information on this project contact Elke Verbaarschot, RadTech Europe relationship manager at Lejeune Association management.

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