7 characteristics of industry and professional associations leading the change

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Bert van Loon interviewed the jury members (in Dutch) of the Mans Lejeune Award 2024. Below are the 7 key characteristics they are looking for, which might help with your application preparations.

1- Forward Thinking and Vision:

Each jury member emphasizes the importance of forward-looking strategies. Paul de Ruijter stresses scenario planning and long-term vision development, where industry associations should not only be reactive but also proactive in working towards a future-oriented policy.

2- Collaboration and Partnerships: 

The power of collaboration is highlighted by all jury members. Cécile Veldman talks about the importance of out-of-the-box collaborations and how these surprising partnerships can add value. Wijnand Jongen and Michel Scholte also emphasize the importance of collective action within sectors and with external partners.

3- Role of Trade and Professional Organizations:

The unique role of trade and professional organizations as catalysts for change is repeatedly mentioned. Wijnand Jongen and Cécile Veldman discuss the responsibility of these organizations to support and advance their members. Paul de Ruijter and Michel Scholte highlight how these organizations should play a broader societal role.

4- Transparency and Pride: 

Honesty and transparency in achievements are seen as crucial. Wijnand Jongen talks about the importance of openness and being proud of what has been achieved. This is viewed as a way to inspire and encourage other organizations.

5- Practical Tools and Action Orientation: 

All jury members see the necessity for practical tools and the actual implementation of sustainable initiatives. Bart Lombaerts and Cécile Veldman emphasize the importance of concrete steps and actions to move from sustainable thinking to sustainable doing.

6- Inclusivity and Diversity: 

There is a clear focus on involving different stakeholders and ensuring inclusivity. Cécile Veldman and Michel Scholte discuss how organizations should involve and support not only the frontrunners but also the laggards.

7- Innovation and Creativity:

Innovative and creative solutions are praised. Paul de Ruijter and Cécile Veldman look for organizations that go beyond the obvious solutions and engage in surprising collaborations to promote sustainability.

Register here for the Mans Lejeune Award 2024. For any questions or assistance with filling out the registration form, we are happy to schedule an online appointment.

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