Anniversary Congress – 60 Years Lejeune Association Management 31 October 2024

Our Anniversary Congress start in .........


 ‘At the Helm of Change’  

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our Anniversary Congress on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Lejeune. This will take place on Thursday, 31 October at the iconic Madurodam park in The Hague. The day will be dedicated to the sustainability transition with the theme: 'At the Helm of Change'. The programme will be held in the Dutch language

If you are a board member, committee member, association professional, or a member of a trade organization, then this day will be very interesting for you!  


We are organizing an inspiring afternoon including a keynote presentation by transition expert Prof. Jan Rotmans. He will discuss with us the role that trade organizations can (and do) play in the sustainability transition. Following this, we will offer five expert breakout sessions with current themes, such as the implementation of AI for your trade organization, tackling CO2 reduction, establishing a vision and strategy, initiating innovation, and the impact of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on your members.


The Mans Lejeune Award 2024 will also be presented this afternoon. This Award is named after our founder, who early on recognized the importance of (European) cooperation between companies. The Mans Lejeune Award recognizes organisations that distinguish themselves through successful sector-level collaboration.

From 3 April 2024, all sector organizations can register for this prestigious award. Keep an eye on our website, social media, and newsletter for updates.


Main Program 31 October 2024

Location: Madurodam The Hague

1:30 pm Arrival and registration

2:00 pm Introduction and welcome

2:15 pm ‘Embrace the Chaos – The Current and Future Role of Trade Organisations in Transitions’ - keynote presentation by Prof. Jan Rotmans

3:15 pm Intro to Expert Sessions

3:30 pm Expert breakout sessions:

  • Artificial Intelligence - Stijn van Butselaar, MKB Nederland /VNO-NCW
  • CO2-reductie - SmartTrackers, Leo Smit &Jesse Bruns
  • CSRD - Michel Scholte, CSRD-Academy,
  • Visie en strategie – Paul de Ruijter, De Ruijter Strategie
  • Innovatie - Robert Witteveen & Andre Filet, First Day Advisory

4:45 pm Continuation of plenary programme 60 Years of Professional Association Management – A Retrospective and Outlook - Jules Lejeune, Managing Director

5:00 pm Presentation of the Mans Lejeune Award 2024

5:45 pm Anniversary Reception

6:45 pm Close

I hope to meet you all on 31 October 2024

Jules Lejeune
Managing Director


Madrurodam Den Haag

Public transport
From central Station: 
Bus:  22 Duindorp
Tram: 9 Scheveningen Noord

By bike
'OV' bikes are available at central station. The bike ride is about 10 - 15 minutes

Met de auto
In Den Haag geldt een milieuzone voor oudere personenauto’s en bestelauto’s die op diesel rijden (emissieklasse 3 en lager). Madurodam ligt buiten deze zone, maar je toegangsroute mogelijk niet. Meer informatie en een kaart van de milieuzone vind je hier. (Betaald) Parkeren kan op straat en in de parkeergarage

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